today went for class at compasspoint.
then meet up with peiming around 2.00pm
then go acrade for a while then later bus to bugis street
then at the bugis we throw ham at other people sits LOl we are selfish kkXD
shit lor also rain rain until so big can -_- damn smelly lor.
then later go bugis gets clothes and bags and some stuff for teachers day. monday sure kana scolding one -_- nv go for CCAT_T
then later after bugis go hougang mall acrade play DDR and tekken
then later saw our friend say hi and chat long time nv see him liao =]
then saw some people from our school -_-
then take train and go home=]
took some pictures

ehhhh CCB! u dare say me rite u should be able to post ur name unless ur parents gave u name but u think it sucks?
i don care who u r kk! don like me F OFF!--->see this word!?
and rite.......if i act lian u comfirm more lian lor. pls la who wan act sia!