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Photobucket Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Photobucket

OMG OMG! blog dyingD:!
so sorry very sorry!.
hmm....many things has happen but yet i feel so angry......and realy pissed off after hearing what really happened....
hmm...your just a bastard(:
i dont understand why is it you got to make things worse and let me find out those i dont wish to find out.
heh....hates this kind of people.
i find it hard to make myself not angry...
somemore its like unbearable.
well i guess i try to forget about this.

Oh well i will try to post more if i am free lolx=x

written at Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Photobucket Friday, March 26, 2010 Photobucket

Last long with my dearest sister(:!
Wish your both last forever.

TON! (:
Thats all i can post for now.

everything is finally over(:!

written at Friday, March 26, 2010

Photobucket Friday, March 19, 2010 Photobucket

hahas.....sorry for the late post!!
went out with jie cause night time going chalet (:!
so took abit of pictures in case blog are dead out of pictures. hehe=x
well i wont type what exactly did i do cause its abit cocked up as i cant really remember that much =x!
so sorry for the short post as its better then nothing (:!

written at Friday, March 19, 2010

Photobucket Monday, March 15, 2010 Photobucket


hmmm.....sorry qin ai have to left you alone with wifey.
well anywayz...reached pasir ris around 6.00 plus i was early. yet they were late.
shouldnt have cabbed down lolx.

well then went simei watch show until 10.00 plus went to clarky there for clubbing haha..ended up having fun outside instead.
humph~ oh well didnt go in.
well someone is good enough to pei me (: hahaas thanks lennard for DISTURBING me! lOl.
plus alot of taiji and all everything was settle fast man @_@
dont know what problem settle so fast.
when it was over, nicole and her boyfriend and 2 more guys plus me followed lennard and his friends as they wanted to go boat quey.
ended up closed ._. hmmm......since it was closed, went to macs and slacked untill 6.00 plus then cabbed home (: i reached home around 7.25am.
phew tired @_@!! zzzz short post only better then none (:!

written at Monday, March 15, 2010

Photobucket Saturday, March 13, 2010 Photobucket

today wasnt suppose to go out cause wanted to stay at home...suddenly qin ai call me ._.
ask me go out slack with her at compass! (: woah thanks for jio-ing me out cause i was really bored.
hehe! anywayz....after meeting we went to buy lots of stuff....

Subway first! hehe then went to buy sushi! omg! im making myself fat but nothing happens D:!
why why why!!! heh!....well then started chatting...lots lots and stuff then one cleaner came ._.
after that we went back to compass went to buy sweets omg going to get diabetes soon @_@!
then went back to slack this time inside compass point near the LRT alley! (:!....
then she started taking my songs woo...send her about 20 then my batteries was going to BOMB flat!
hang she never play game otherwise byebye! no bat! down the batteries goes! @_@...lucky me! heheh!...=x! well then reached home around 8.00 plus as mother wants to eat dinner (:! so bought her dinner. thats all am very lazy >

written at Saturday, March 13, 2010

Photobucket Friday, March 12, 2010 Photobucket

i know my blogs dead again for alot of days.
is either im lazy or im busy!

why cant things be the way is used to be. its really complicated.
is it that hard to understand me ._. sometimes i just dont feel like contacting anyone.
i can do it but is weather i wan or not.
hehe so damn happyy as im tired when there are school days.
oh well been pretty well and boy is my schedule busy during the holiday!
haha....not really since its a holiday, im sure im able to blog(: without my laziness !

been to compass and to pasir ris thats all!
compass-> to find cassandra and more people wont say out who(:!
pasir ris--> find baby ^^!

then back home! YAY! SLEEPS~~~~  ~.~

written at Friday, March 12, 2010

Photobucket Saturday, March 6, 2010 Photobucket

I dont remember what im doing. wonder whats wrong with me hmm.....
i have great friends around who cheers me up(: im happy. i hope it will continue this way (: thanks girls!

well lets see today wake up abit late ah like 1.00 had to wash clothes..zzz back to my life again(:! haha im happy being back to my old life at least i stay at home though i keep going out everyday. trying to stop that. need to study (:!
i hope everyone passes! so that they can further their studies!
anywayz...toady went out with jie then door follow us cause i heard alot of things pretty sad eh.
haha i know the reason what has become of her but i just think that sometimes it not true.
cause she think too much.o.o
well then im really lazy to post alot but i just have feeling someone is really like stalking me home._.
besides i barely have this feeling just recently started am i thinking too much :(!
oh well shall stop here am really sleeply @_@!!

written at Saturday, March 06, 2010

Photobucket Friday, March 5, 2010 Photobucket

welll was super angry so didnt get a chance to post a great time i had with teng jie(: hehe.
now its my chance.
well pictures are really overdue quite long ago. so now im posting it since its boring without pictures(:!

ENJOY(:! thats all haha will post soon.
(: holiday coming soon^-^

written at Friday, March 05, 2010

Photobucket Thursday, March 4, 2010 Photobucket

Oh wow today was a total disaster?yesterday my mood was already cocked up....TODAY! my mood was EVEN worse THEN yesterday! why? cause of some one?

You always think your right right right right..-.-
you wan me tell you whats right? whats right is that you got no brain you NEVER THINK! before you talk.
still dare to even say what WHY I MUST THINK BEFORE I TALK? HAHA! you know i can really laugh at you! i have never heard people asking me that kind of stupid question.
its really stupid saying that kind of stuff if you dont think before you talk WHY will people be angry? logic anot? you no common sense is it? you my sister you know what im like i tolerate you for how long go think when you have problem i must go approach you like im your dog is it!? you think what i owe you dont know how much is it? I HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS ANGRY OR UPSET BEFORE! YOU ARE THE FIRST PERSON TO MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAY! i hate it understand i do hate it

Let me tell you what you have done wrong.
FIRSTLY-->you throw money at cherie ? who the fuck you think you are...just cause they shout at you getting embarrassed isnt an excuse! so they were also wrong shouting ? NO! its because you let people wait for so long. you wan people wait you cannot wait?
You must talk to me like as if i shouted at you in class. i talked to you nicely eh what you talk to me like? like i your parrot ah. i say something you say the same thing ah COPY CAT!.
You FUCKING HELL ruin my whole mood.
especially yesterday! i shouted at my friends for what? cause i bad mood no matter how moody was i i have never shout till this bad. I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING THIS BAD! throwing my things around? you know your driving me nuts.

I fucking try to understand you HAVE You ever try to UNDERSTAND me?
if you want people understand you, you understand people think you are always right? yeah FUCK YOU!! FUCK EVERYTHING! think you right all the time yeah yeah im always at fault right?

BECAUSE I CARE!! i have never shout at my own sister before. NEVER. you are the first person to make me shout fucking loud and i cried? why i cry? CAUSE I WAS ANGRY!
i keep thinking did i do anything to offend you? NO! when you got problem i came to help you.

im sorry to those people that when i was moody i gave a face and was being cold to you.
really am. im really pissed...

I really hope someone could really understand how i feel why cant anyone when i need someone to comfort me nobody will be there for me, i dont tell that i have problems i keep quiet i dont complain.
i really hate being like this. so what if i say out the problem...who will console me? MYSELF? thats really stupid. sometimes i wonder why am i here when its hard to live.

Baby, im sorry for being really pissed today i hope you understand i dont wish to have any misunderstanding but when im really in a bad bad mood im like that.

written at Thursday, March 04, 2010

Photobucket Monday, March 1, 2010 Photobucket

Omg! yeahs im sorry that i didnt blog for many days as im busy with school and of course chalet!

Liked to wish my sis a very  
LOVE YOU SIS.! DO WELL IN YOUR STUDIES FLY WITH YOUR WINGS WHEN YOU HAVE THEM! that i at least update a bit, my blog wont be so dead. anywayz
shall post tml? if i can hehe Byes readers picture will upload when my sis upload it(:!

written at Monday, March 01, 2010


written at Monday, March 01, 2010


Born out since 0ct 8 1994. I can be stubborn at times, but tryin to learn new things
as well as undertand th people around me
Family & friends are always understanding IloveThem♥♥
Lastly i ♥ my Boyfriend

shout out

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